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Why Greivin Became a Tour Guide: Sharing Passion and Nature

When I made the decision to become a certified tour guide, it wasn’t just about a career choice—it was about following my passion for nature, my love for sharing Costa Rica with others, and the belief that I had something unique to offer.

A Passion for Nature

Costa Rica is a country teeming with biodiversity, from rainforests to beautiful beaches. I’ve always been drawn to the natural world, finding beauty in even the smallest details like the song of a bird or the beautiful sound of the rain. This connection to nature was more than a hobby—it was a calling. I knew I wanted to spend my life immersed in these landscapes, learning more and helping others experience the magic I feel every day.

A Love for Teaching and Sharing about Costa Rica

One of the greatest joys I find in being a guide is watching someone’s eyes light up when they learn something new. Whether it's explaining how a tree frog lays its eggs or sharing the an old wives tale about Costa Rica, I love teaching others about my beautiful country. It’s about creating connections—not only between visitors and the places they see, but between them and the stories behind each landscape, plant, and animal.

Offering a Unique, Personalized Approach

Every traveler is different, and I believe each tour should reflect that. My approach to guiding has always been about personalization. I want my guests to feel like they’re not just seeing Costa Rica, but experiencing it in a way that resonates with them personally. Whether it’s adjusting the pace of a hike, focusing on specific wildlife, or diving into the history of a location, I design each tour to match the individual interests and curiosities of those I guide. This personalized approach allows me to offer something special that goes beyond the standard tourist experience.

Ultimately, becoming a certified guide was the natural path for me—combining my passion, teaching spirit, and personalized service. I look forward to continuing to share the wonders of Costa Rica with those eager to experience them in a meaningful and memorable way.


Why Families Should Choose Us for an Unforgettable Costa Rican Adventure.
Embarking on a family vacation is a treasured opportunity to create lasting memories and what better destination for such an adventure than the enchanting landscapes of Costa Rica?
Escape the Winter Blues: A Getaway Can Help Alleviate SAD
Sarah, one of the owners of Travel Tropical Tours, understands the impact of these changes in mood deeply. Living with bipolar disorder has given her a personal connection.


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